Photo Gallery
If you have any photos of CLCF action, please send 'em to the Webmaster so they can be posted here for us and future generations to admire!
Night Race 2018

Sheldrake Race 2018

Spring 7&8 2018

Spring 1&2 2018

Fall 5&6 2017

Spring 8&9 2017

Spring 5&6 2017

Spring 3&4 2017

Spring 1&2 2017

Previous Years
Ayla's Ride getting ready for some early spring practicing and sailing with a Weta - credit Eberhard Alsen.

Here is photo of many of the 2015 sailors taken on July 13!

Photos from previous years may be found here in the archive.
Photos of the first Kidder's Landing race, August 26, 2012. Click on any image to see a larger size.
Use your browser's "Back" button to return to this index. (Photo credits: Debbi Carpenter)
1. Invictus, Fantasy, and Gypsy Moth got the choice spots on the dock
2. Susan Swensen's Cape Dory 28 being jostled into a tight spot
3. Dawn Treader and Shamrock arriving at Kidder's
4. View of Kidder's from the dock